Friday 28 November 2014

Shot List

Here is a (possibly vague, yet sturdily simplistic) list of the camera shots that I want to take. I will be taking a handwritten copy of this lists with me to the filming location and whenever filming for my music video happens, as I want to achieve everything on this list.

I should state now that in this list, I've labelled several bullet points with "fully clothed" and "topless". Although this sounds rather promiscuous, this isn't what I want to achieve. My actor being topless in the video allows me to achieve the representation of the cross from The Divine Comedy. sounds cheeky, but it's not intended. I should also state that when I label "fully clothed", the costume I  am having my actor wear is a purple/dark burgundy suit.

All of these shots will be edited into slow-motion through the editing process. Even though some shots are just of the actor standing still, I believe that there is still a significant difference that is noticeable when watching a clip in standard and in slow-motion, even if the movement in the clip is stationary.

Key: // = the use of both shots (e.g. mid shot//long shot), / = or (e.g. mid shot/long shot)

I want to directly imitate this image
  • Shot of fog - I'm going to have to get up nice and early before the chirping of the birds to catch this one.
  • Shot of forest(s)
  • Shot of field(s)
  • Shot of sky (differentiation between early morning sky and late evening sky)
  • Holding a purple balloon (fully clothed)
  • Holding a purple balloon (topless with cross)
  • Slow-motion running (side view - mid//long shot, up-front view - long shot)
  • Standing still in front of camera (fully clothed - long shot//mid shot//close up)
  • Standing still in front of camera (topless - long shot//mid shot//close up)
  • God and Satan playing dice (influenced from God & Satan EP by Biffy Clyro) (mid shot - table and chairs must all be within the frame, but I don't want to camera too far away from the setting) 
  • Extreme close up shot of the dice being rolled
  • God stands up and throws a spear into Satan, with him proceeding to fall off his chair (same camera work used as the initial introduction of the setting of this scene - mid shot//long shot)
  • POV shots from both perspectives at the table
  • Extreme close up shot of the bottom of the chair leg tilting back as Satan falls off the chair
  • High-angle shot (placed upon the table looking down) of Satan hitting the floor from the fall (these shots I have just described are a direct reference to Lucifer's descent out of heaven as God casts him out)
  • Satan proposes to God (primarily I want a mid shot - this is a reference to 'Nara' by alt-J and also the theme of forgiveness throughout The Divine Comedy and Christianity)
  • Satan and God hug (same elements as listed above)

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