Saturday 8 November 2014

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Goodwin's theory (from Dancing In The Distraction Factory) outlined some key features:

1) Music videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics

  • stage performance in metal/rock videos
  • dance routines for boy/girl bands
  • 'throwing signs' in early hip-hop videos
  • scantily clad women and 'bling' for rap (etc.) videos

These are depicted as the certain traits associated with a particular music genre. For example, a rock music video can be expected to have the performance of a live band, or any performance of that matter.

2) There is a relationship between visuals and lyrics

  • often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the lyrics
Goodwin suggests that lyrics will make constant references to visuals on screen. Visuals will reinforce what the lyrics say and what they connate.

3) There is a relationship between visuals and music

  • often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the music

4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist(s)

The record label has a certain control over the artist they sign. Ultimately, the record label decides how the artist(s) are represented. For example, for women, the label (most probably) will require the artist to be represented as sexy in order to appeal to men and reach a certain target audience (and vice-versa for men).

5) The artist may develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work (i.e. a visual style)

6) There is frequent reference to the notion of 'looking' (screens within screens, filming, cameras) and particular voyeuristic (pleasure through looking) treatment of the female body

Notions of 'looking' plays on the idea of male-gaze and they way women (in particular) are seen and portrayed in music videos. According to Goodwin, women are represented and portrayed as objects.

7) There are often intertextual references - mostly to film, television and popular culture

8) Narratives

As well as characteristics, Goodwin noticed that music videos may also portray a certain story/narrative. The narrative allows the music video to come to life. Narratives can either be fragmented or linear.

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