Friday 23 January 2015

Website Update #3 (almost there)

Quick introduction - I'm pretty much complete with my website. All the tiny little elements and main bulks of the site are finished and there is nothing more I need to do (or I think I need to do).

On my home page, I've decided to take away the initial introduction of "the gospel of John Hurt / out now / from 'this is all yours'" and replace it with lyrics from the song. These lyrics are the main bulk of the song, which are repeated (a fair amount) throughout the song, being that it is the chorus. Furthermore, they conform to the fade-in transition I have on ever-single-element on this website. This although, is more effective as the lyrics "coming out of the woodwork" are a luteal meaning of coming out form nowhere, hence the top-notch partnership with the transition of choice.

I've still kept the advertisement of the song as I previously had it before the lyrics. All I've done is just change the positioning of them to fit in with the presentation and similar layouts found throughout the website. The video link to the song on YouTube and the album cover for This Is All Yours below have not been altered.

Also, I decided to place an exact copy of the menu seen at the top of the website, at the bottom. This was because I found it quite tedious to keep scrolling back up to the top of the page to then go to another section of the website. It's got to be easy for the viewers, yeah? This way, it's less of an inconvenience to keep scrolling back to to the top. I've also added some more social icons to the footer at the bottom. Initially, I had Facebook. YouTube, Twitter ad SoundCloud which I had linked to all of the relevant alt-J pages (alt-J's Facebook page, Twitter page etc.), and I have added their Tumblr and Instagram accounts.

The music page is exactly the same. No changes done.

My gallery, however, has taken a photographic change. Get Anyway, i've changed the layout of this page. Whereas previously the images seen in the gallery were placed outside the guidelines that are put in the editing mode of the website, I decided to put them inside these boundaries, re-arrange them slightly so they would fit more comfortably with each other, and deleted a select few that I didn't wanted anymore. Now, instead of there images being huge and pouncing out at the screen, they're smaller, more compact and easier to view - these all conform to my goals of the website. Minimalism, baby.

All of these images, as well as everything else, have the fade-in transition, so, as you scull down through the gallery, each photo will swiftly appear before you. I've also added the band's logo (a triangle) at the bottom of the gallery, so when you're finished, the triangle appears as this is the band's 'ultimate image' and where does an image belong? In a gallery (presumably).

The 'live' page has also had a wee make-over. I've put each individual show in a 'section'/'grid' or however you'd like to call it (in between 2 lines if so) and this adds to the minimalistic feel and simplistic layout of the website. As assumed, yes, each date fades in as you scroll, and the presentation is that of which is seen throughout the website in areas such as the homepage and the store. Obviously these dates aren't real (although the locations are) as I don't want to confuse my audience and have them literally searching for tickets for these specific dates and places.

The store has also had some captivating cosmetic construction. The very top image showcases the three types of merchandise found within the store: the albums This Is All Yours and An Awesome Wave and clothing. All of these individual images are linked to separate 'anchors' which are placed at certain points down the store page. For example, when you click the icon for This Is All Yours, it automatically takes you down to the section where the pricing of this product is. The same goes for An Awesome Wave and the clothing. To also make it more aesthetically pleasing, I've sectioned each area to separate them from each other.

I should probably point out now why everything is in lower-cases in case I'm being perceived as illiterate or someone who doesn't now who to push down the capitals button on the keyboard. The reason for this is that alt-J's name, is in lower casing (apart from the J of course), and having writing which is in lower-casing is also easier on the eyes because there is no capitalisation pouncing at you and startling ones self. Also it's very simple and straightforward, the aims of my website. Looks kinda cool as well, doesn't it?

That\s pretty much it, really. I've been having an issue however, whenever I enter the 'preview' mode of my website to see how it operates and looks like to someone viewing it. I've come across a problem: y page scrolls a fair bit to the right into a blank space where there is nothing there. Why is this? I don't think there is a text-box hidden or something because I can't see it in the editing mode, so I'm rather confused as to why this is happening and it's pretty frustrating. Hopefully I can solve this, if not, and if there is no way of resolving it, then I'm just going to have to deal with it and hope that no one really notices it when viewing it and they don't accidentally scroll to the right and notice a blank space staring at them aimlessly. There's always something, isn't there.

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