Thursday 11 December 2014

Filming: Completed

Just a little notice to say that filming was completed on Thursday 4/2/14.

As predicted, I complete all principal filming in that one day, and I don't think that any more footage is needed for the music video. The day went incredibly smoothly, and myself and Jake (my actor in the music video) managed to accomplish the filming very efficiently. Apart from...the dreaded field...

Basically, before we had actually begun filming anything, we went to one of the selected locations that I had chosen for the music video. Seeing as this was field, I obviously had to drive my car onto this field (as I'm too paranoid to leave it just sitting on the side of the road). Fear not, there was footpath-type lane with tracks down which was suitable for vehicles so without hesitation, I went for it. Little did I know, that the slower I drove down this path, the chance of me getting stuck increased.

(If you're wondering by now if I actually did get stuck...yes. Yes I got stuck. Stuck with a capital M for mud).

Anyway, long story short, myself and Jake spent a good chunky 2 hours trying to push my car out of the mud (which can I point out was extremely think and clumpy due to the rain that graced us on that day and the day before), trying to rev the car out as Jake pushed it, even putting cloths under the tyres to give the car that last hope of grip and chance of getting out, but did any of these work? Not one bit.

We resulted in calling for the farmer's aid. Luckily however, Jake was good friend with the daughter of the farmer, so she was much obliged in giving us a helping hand, as was her father. Although they came to our rescue with open arms, me and Jake still felt like school children being sent to the headmaster's office ready for a once over of how to behave. The best thing however, was that this very kind gentleman just rocked up in his tractor, I gave him my towing bar and he pulled me out to the warm embrace of solid tarmac, so few 100 meters away. With a handshake here and continuous thank you's there, me and Jake headed back home to A) wash my car B) think of a new plan of action and C) have a cup of tea.

We decided a new location needed to be made. Considering (as previously stated in earlier blogs) that I'm surrounded by fields where I live, it wasn't exactly rocket science in choosing somewhere to film. After deciding on this new location, we headed off out to finally conquer this music video.

Filming was quick, easy and painless. At this point, we were losing light so we had no option other than to crack it fast. What made it easier was the preparation. I had the shot list down on paper beside me, so I could cross off everything as we went along, after I parked up we took all of the mise en scene elements with us up the field so everything was with us, and we had already decided on the spots we would use so we wouldn't be faffing around choosing. Time is money, kids. Time is money.

All of my desired shots were brilliant, and they came out precisely how I pictured them which was great. Besides from the shots collected in the fields, the topless clips with the purple cross on Jake's torso were filmed in an area of my back garden. It started to drizzle a bit when we out filming in the previous location, so I didn't want him to get topless in the middle of an open field, it start raining, and then us having to run back to my car. By shooting it in my garden, it was close to warmth, and it was more efficient in throwing water over him and quickly chucking him a towel afterwards.

Bottom line, filming was successful and everything I wanted was achieved. Life experiences learnt? Don't drive in fields. They're deadly.

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